When you take a vacation to Waikiki, you will find so many historical sights that you will want to see. It can be very time consuming trying to figure out just how you will go about seeing all of them. When you take the Airport Express in Waikiki to get to your hotel, as you get checked in you will find out that the same shuttle service is available to take you to see some of the sights like the U.S.S. Missouri, the U.S.S Bowfin and the U.S.S. Arizona memorials right from your hotel.
The Airport Express in Waikiki is there for more than just making sure that you get from the airport to your hotel in comfort. They are there to help make your vacation more convenient to you. By having the same shuttle service available to take you to these historic memorials, you can get to know the drivers and even ask them about some of the night life that is available to you in the Waikiki area.
Just think about how much fun you can have taking the shuttle to the Aloha Swap Meet to do a bit of shopping for some valuable treats that are only available in Hawaii and the Waikiki area. At a swap meet you can find treasures that you would have to pay much higher prices for if you shopped for them at the more traditional tourist shops. Just like in your hometown area, there are a great many deals that you can haggle over at a swap meet. The only real difference will be the kinds of things that you will find available to you.
You can just click here to investigate all of the shuttle tours that are available to you through arrangements made by the hotel you are staying at. You can sit in your room or perhaps at the hotel restaurant and go over the literature showing you all of the available tours. Pick the ones that most interest you and set your schedule accordingly. One of the best programs actually has free tickets at the visitor center. It consists of a talk by a National Service ranger or one of the few Pearl Harbor Survivors. After the talk you are shown a 23 minute documentary film depicting an authentic showing of the actual Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese.